I’m moving all of my focus and content over to my popular weekly LinkedIn newsletter beginning the first week of 2024. Please stay connected...
In the high-stakes world of Web3, where blockchain reigns supreme and digital assets are the currency of the realm, you need to play smarter, not har...
As we stand in 2123, looking back over the last 100 years, the landscape of technology law seems almost unrecognizable from its early days in 2023...
The dawn of the 20th century held a skeptical view of technology that couldn't be harnessed like the horses of the past. Reflecting on the transition from equine to engine, a significant cultural and technological shift was evident, as discussed in...
When we delve into the world of AI ethics, transparency is king. Are you aware of what goes on behind the curtains of AI models?
Imagine you are part of a global community of enthusiasts, united by a common cause, driven by shared values, and governed by democratic principles...
Think about it: You're using an advanced AI tool, and suddenly you're slapped with a copyright infringement claim. Surprising? Who's responsible...
Web3, AI, and the Metaverse can be complex, especially when it comes to their application in business and adherence to legal standards. Fortunately...
Recently, we hosted a webinar for our web3 clients emphasizing the significance of minimizing legal claims through enhanced client experiences...
In this article, I will explore the necessary steps and details that a victim should follow after discovering that an NFT has been stolen.